Just dive on in – the water is fine!
Moving to a new location, traveling abroad or just want to keep a number without paying big bucks for a phone service? Porting your number and Parking with NumberBarn allows you to do just that.
What is porting?
Porting means transferring your phone number from one service provider to another. Let’s say your number is with Tomato Wireless. You will port your active number from Tomato Wireless to NumberBarn. The number will eventually no longer be with Tomato Wireless and you’ll no longer pay them for service. Instead, you’ll pay NumberBarn. This process takes anywhere from 3-10 business days.
What is parking?
Parking means storing your number in an active status. Read more about the why and how to park your number here.
- Your active phone number
- Incoming and outgoing text messages
- A recording to notify your callers that your number is parked. You can use our standard recording or create your own. To hear our recording, click here.
Note that the Park plan does not include:
- Voicemail
- Call forwarding
- Auto attendant menu
But, how much extra will using NumberBarn actually cost you each month if you’re porting a number to the barn and using the Park plan?
Check out the chart below to learn more:

No secrets or surprises – check out what you’re looking at cost wise for all of our plans below:
Ready to get started?
Click the image below for a Step by Step Guide:

We’re NumberBarn, we take phone numbers very seriously. But, we also like to have a little fun. To learn more about us, visit NumberBarn.com and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.