When should I order my marketing materials?

Short answer: order your marketing materials with your new phone number AFTER your number activates, not before.

When ordering a new phone number from NumberBarn, we encourage you to order your marketing materials after the number has activated.

Actually, we’re not encouraging you. We’re telling you to wait.

Just wait, my friend, just wait.

NumberBarn will email the admin contact on file in your account once the new number activates.

At that time, get your credit card ready and order those snazzy marketing materials! 

Why wait until the number activates?

We strive to provide the most accurate search results possible, but we are occasionally unable to fulfill orders for specific numbers due to database timing or other factors.

Our search results include phone numbers that are aggregated from dozens of sources and then distilled using our proprietary search algorithm. We make every effort to provide timely, accurate results. But, availability is never guaranteed.

Have a question about your new number order? Send us an email.

We’re NumberBarn, we take phone numbers very seriously. But, we also like to have a little fun. To learn more about us, visit NumberBarn.com and follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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Written by

Jenny Dempsey

Jenny Dempsey is the Customer Experience Manager for NumberBarn