Why Plants at the Office Mean More Green in your Wallet

Biophilia as defined by biologist E.O. Wilson, is “an innate emotional affiliation with nature.”

Basically, we humans love nature. And, we thrive in environments, even inside our office, when nature is present.

There are studies proving that employees are less stressed and overall healthier when they simply have a plant on their desk or in the workspace.

Globally, nearly half (47%) of office employees have no natural light in their working space, and almost two thirds (58%) have no live plants in their environment whatsoever.(1)

Sure, we may be stuck in an office all day. But, when plants are around, good things happen. Check out how having some green on your desk might bring more green to your wallet.

Stress Reduction

Stress at work is inevitable.  However, there can be measures taken to reduce the levels of stress, even when dealing with frustrating situations. Often, an environment with lower stress allows for more focus and less fatigue, especially when it comes to working on a project or in a customer facing role. A 2010 study by the new University of Technology, Sydney, found reductions in stress among employees when plants were added to their workspace. They found a 37% decrease in tension and anxiety; reported depression lowering by 58%; a 44% decline in feelings of anger and hostility; and a 62% of employees reported feeling higher levels of energy with plants around.

Productivity Increases

In a 2003 study by Texas A&M, participants for eight months were asked to perform various problem-solving tasks in three common office environments: a workplace with plants and flowers, a workplace with abstract sculptures, and a workplace with no decorations. Both the male and female participants exposed higher innovative thinking, ideas creative solutions to problems in the settings with plants and flowers. Men in the study generated 15% more ideas when working in the plant and flower surroundings. Females generated more creative, flexible solutions to problems when plants and flowers were present.

Wellbeing Raises

Absenteeism, sick days – you name it – wellbeing in the workplace, in addition to stress levels and productivity, matter to the bottom line. According to the 2015 Human Spaces report, those whose environments incorporated natural elements reported a 15% higher wellbeing score and a 6% higher productivity score than employees whose offices didn’t include such elements. A study from the 1970s/1980s by Roger Ulrich found that the view that a sick person has from their bed can affect a whole range of physical measurable stress responses in patients. Ulrich proved that patients who could see trees, plants and other vegetation took far fewer painkillers and were passed as healthy far more rapidly than patients who looked out on a concrete wall or parking lot.

How do you bring nature into your office space? We want to know!

Tag @numberbarn on social media with your posts of plants in your workspace and how they help you stay healthy. 

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Written by

Jenny Dempsey

Jenny Dempsey is the Customer Experience Manager for NumberBarn